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Interlibrary Loans

Non-Circulating Items
  • Material located in Archives and Special Collections cannot be loaned but may be photocopied at the discretion of the individual responsible for those collections.
  • Entire volumes or issues of periodicals, in this case, photocopies of specific articles may be requested.
  • Reference collections
  • Rare materials, including manuscripts.
  • Bulky or fragile materials that are difficult to ship.
  • Multimedia items.
  • Requests which may violate copyright limitations.
  • Material in high demand at the lending library, e.g., research methodology books.

Important Notes: All requests for renewals of Interlibrary Loan materials should be submitted on or before the due date listed on the item’s book strap. 

Items not collected

Unclaimed ILL material will be held until three days before the due date listed on the sleeve, then it will be returned to the lending library. The patron will be responsible for all fees associated with the loan.

Returning Information Resources

Long overdue, lost or damaged materials will be billed for replacement based on the charges assessed by the lending library. Billable damage includes, but is not limited to writing in, highlighting, cutting, or other acts of defacement; water damage; food or beverage residue; and failing to return booklets or other items packaged with a CD or DVD. All charges will include a R180.00 processing fee that is non-refundable, even if overdue material is returned. An email will be sent to the patron prior to billing.